Redfern design has been appointed by Schlumberger Business Consulting to advise on Brand Positioning, Brand Look and Feel and the development of all communication materials.
Schlumberger Business Consulting (SBC) is the management consulting arm of Schlumberger. They are the world’s leading management consultancy in the upstream oil and gas industry, and a leading player in the energy sector more generally. Over a period of ten years the brand reputation had far outstripped the brand 'look and feel' and it is now felt appropriate to bring into line SBC's communications with its reputation.
With due diligence to the equity of the SBC identity, Redfern have been tasked with defining a 'look and feel' based on the SBC brand values. - Clarity, Visionary, Know-how and The Long View. We will be developing a set of applications for both internal and external communications with the view to develope a more unified brand.